

524 bytes added, 12:12, 29 May 2019
Akvopedia is written collaboratively by volunteers and specialists, mainly from the water and sanitation sector, since the creation of Akvopedia back in the summer of 2007.
However, visitors do not need specialized qualifications to contribute, since their primary role is to write articles that cover existing knowledge (which includes local, in-the-field knowledge); this means that people of all ages and cultural and social backgrounds can write Akvopedia articles. Admins have upgraded Akvopedia with the Wikipedia style Visual Editor upload/editing tool to enable a simplified platform, so that zero programming knowledge is needed to create/edit article on Akvopedia. To learn how to use the Visual editor, see the Wikipedia tutorials on how to use it. But as always, if it is more convenient for you they can also create and upload your pages for you! Akvopedia uses the same basic layout as Wikipedia. The wiki uses Vector.  Akvopedia uses the same basic layout as Wikipedia, Vector.
==Personal life==